The Why? and How? of STEM Education
CREATING PROBLEM SOLVERS When applied properly, a STEM-focused curriculum can make a big difference in how our future leaders see the world, and solve problems. STEM is a philosophy grounded first and foremost in the solution of problems from a multi-faceted and inter-disciplinary perspective. It is our belief that a STEM-based education will equip our students with the skills and mindset needed to persevere beyond high school whichever ever path they choose.
CREATING INFORMED CITIZENS AND CONSUMERS As citizens, we are increasingly asked to make informed decisions on issues ranging from healthcare to energy policy that affect ourselves, our families, and our communities. Having a deep understanding of scientific concepts and the ability to understand and apply this knowledge is essential.
CONTRIBUTING TO A STEM WORKFORCE STEM job creation over the next 10 years will outpace non-STEM jobs significantly. Jobs in computer systems design and related services are projected to grow 45 percent in the near future. People in STEM fields can expect to earn 26 percent more money in a lifetime on average and be less likely to experience job loss. STEM degree holders also tend to enjoy higher earnings overall, regardless of whether they work in STEM or non-STEM occupations. A STEM curriculum may inspire some students to pursue careers in STEM.
At Synergy, we implement STEM using an integrated approach infusing a problem-solving mindset throughout the curriculum in all subjects. We also have a specific focus on each of the four subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
SCIENCE Students study physical, life, and earth sciences and understand the key concepts and principals within these disciplines and how they are interrelated. They use inquiry strategies to investigate and understand the natural world and use the processes that scientists use to obtain and revise knowledge. Students apply knowledge gained through the sciences by identifying human needs and concerns and engage a problem-solving mindset to formulate possible answers.
TECHNOLOGY Students learn the appropriate skills and applications to be productive users of technology as well as gain the basic knowledge to understand the processes that created the technology they are using. They will understand the interdependency of technology and other disciplines and the relationships and impacts that technology has on individuals, society, and the environment. Learning focuses on seven key areas: Creativity & Innovation, Communication & Collaboration, Research & Informational Fluency, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Digital Citizenship, and Technology Operations & Concepts.
ENGINEERING Students engage in hands-on activities and problem/project-based learning that mirror the eight practices of professional engineers: defining problems, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
MATH Using the Common Core State Standards to guide instruction, students gain both a conceptual understanding of key concepts and procedural skills and fluency in calculations. Once students have a solid foundation of conceptual understanding with speed and accuracy, they should use math in situations that require application of math knowledge and skills.